Wednesday 7 March 2012

Come Holy Spirit (LYRICS)

Come Holy Spirit

1.       Come Holy Spirit I need You
Come Holy Spirit I pray
Come with Your strength and Your power
Come in Your own special way

2.       Come Holy Spirit I need You]
Come Holy Spirit I pray
Come with Your light and Your wisdom
Come in Your own special way

3.       Come Holy Spirit I need You
Come Holy Spirit I Pray
Come With Your joy and our Wisdom
Come in Your own special way

4.       Come like a spring in the desert
Come, to the weary of soul
Lord, let Your sweet healing power
Touch me and make me whole

5.       Glory be to the Father, glory be to the Son
Glory be to the Holy Spirit, our God,
All three in one (now and forever, Amen)

Breath of God (lyrics)

Breath of God
Edwin Hatch- M Francisco

1.       Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew;
That I may love the things You love and do what You
would do. Breathe on me, Breath of God.

2.       Breathe on me, Breath of God, till my life is pure.
Until with You, I have one will: to live and to endure.
Breathe on me, Breath of God

3.       Breathe on me, Breath of God, my soul with grace refine,
Until this earthly part of me glows with Your fire divine.

4.       Breathe on me, Breath of God, so I Shall never Die,
But live with You the perfect life in Your Ethernity.
Breathe on me, Breath of God.

Blest Be The Lord (lyrics)

Blest be the Lord
Dan Schutte

Refrain: Blessed be the Lord, blest be the Lord,
               The God of mercy, the God who saves.
               I shall not fear the dark of night,
               Nor the arrow that flies by day.

1.       He will release me from the snares of all my foes.
He will protect me from the wicked hands.
Beneath the shadow of His wings I will rejoice.
To find a dwelling place secure. (refrain)

2.       I need not shrink before the terrors of the night,
Nor stand-alone before the light of day.           
No harm shall come to me, no arrow strike me down, no
Evil settle in my soul. (refrain)

3.       Although a thousand strong have fallen at my side,
I’ll not be shaken with the Lord at hand.
His faithful love is all the armor that I need
To wage my battle with the foe. (refrain)

Blessed Be God (lyrics)

Blessed Be God

Blessed are you Lord of all creation,
Thanks to Your goodness this bread we offer.
Fruit of the earth, work of our hands,
It will become the bread of life.

Refrain: Blessed be God, Blessed be God,
               Blessed be God forever, Amen! Blessed be God,
               Blessed be God, Blessed be God forever, Amen!
               Blessed are Your Lord God of all creation,
               Thanks to Your goodness this wine we offer:
               Fruit of the vine, work of our hands,
               It will become the cup of joy.

               Blessed be God, Blessed be God,
               Blessed be God, forever, Amen! Blessed be God,
               Blessed be God, Blessed be God forever, Amen!

Behold Among Men (lyrics)

Behold among men
L. Diess

REFRAIN: Behold among men the dwelling place of God.
                  They shall be His people and He shall be their Lord and God.

1.       People called by God through the word of prophets.
People brought together in the house of the Lord.
People who attend to their Lord,
The Church of Christ the Lord. (refrain)

2.       Temple built by saints, by the martyrs and apostles.
Holy temple built-upon Christ the Cornerstone.
Holy dwelling place of our God.
The church of Christ the Lord. (refrain)

3.       People who are born in the waters of the Spirit.
People who are marked by the seal of the Spirit.
People in the Spirit made one,
The church of Christ, the Lord. (refrain)

Be Not Afraid (lyrics)

Be Not afraid

1.       You shall cross the barren desert
               But you shall not die of thirst
               You shall wander far in safety
               though you do not know the way.
               You shall speak your words to foreign men
               And  they will understand.           
               You shall see the face of God and live.

Refrain:  Be not afraid, I go before you always. 
                Come follow Me and I will give you rest.

2.       If you pass through raging waters
In the sea, you shall not drown.
If you walk amid the burning flames,
You shall not be harmed.
You shall stand before the power of hell
And death is at your side.
Know that I am with you through it all. (refrain)

3.       Blessed are your poor for the kingdom shall theirs.
Blest are you that weep and mourn for one day you shall
Laugh. And if wicked men insult and hate you all because
Of me, blessed, blessed are you. (refrain)

Monday 5 March 2012

Anima Christi (LYRICS)

Anima Christi
Jandi Arboleda
Soul of Christ, Sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, give ne Strength.
             Hear me, Jesus; hide me in thy wounds     
             that I may never leave thy side.
             From all the evil that surrounds me, defend me.
             And when the call of death arrives, bid me come to thee.
            that I may Praise thee with Thy saints forever. (repeat)